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How to Ensure First Contact Resolution 

First contact resolution (FCR) is exactly what it says on the tin: a company’s ability to resolve a request – be it simple or complex – in one single interaction. 

According to research, 86% of people who reach out to a call centre expect their query to be resolved in that first instance. For every follow-up needed to resolve the issue, customer satisfaction drops by a whopping 15%

Research also shows that for each ‘right first time’ contact, there is a 5% improvement in employee satisfaction.  

That’s why first contact resolution is so important! By keeping both customers and employees content, you significantly increase the likelihood of long-term retention across the board. 

Read on to find out how we achieve this… 

How We Ensure First Contact Resolution 

Having been in the call centre industry for almost 16 years, we’ve unlocked several tricks of the trade when it comes to positive customer and employee experiences. 

Here are our top four ways we ensure our first contact resolution rate is as high as it is: 

#1 Greater Accessibility 

    One thing we’ve learned over the years is that the more available you are, the more people you can cater to quickly!  

    This is essential because if all efforts are focused on just one channel, and volumes are high, then this can lead to lengthy wait times which can cause callers to give up and try again later – therefore reducing the FCR rate if they’re unable to successfully get in touch in the first place. 

    We find a multi-channel approach to support telephone calls is a great way to cater to a wide range of people with different preferences and needs. While most people prefer speaking to an agent over the phone, others may choose email so they can easily track interactions, or message via LiveChat due to its renowned speediness.  

    Being open 24/7/365 also ensures a high first contact resolution, as it alleviates backlogs and ensures callers can get the assistance they need, when they need it! 

    #2 Expert Training 

      Whatever the contact method, it is how an agent manages the interaction that can make or break the first contact resolution rate. 

      That said, it starts with training agents thoroughly and regularly. With FCR being of such high importance, it is a topic that’s covered extensively in our training.  

      Within our ‘Skills for First Call Resolution’ module, our agents receive detailed training on the following key topics:  

      • Tips for effective information gathering  
      • Walkthroughs of system pathways for solving common queries  
      • Customer reassurance techniques  
      • Introduction to client-specific FAQs  
      • Tips for delivering information concisely  
      • Offering alternatives – sales pitching techniques 

      Through enhancing their knowledge on the above coupled with open discussions and roleplay exercises, agents feel better prepared to handle both simple and complex queries across all our clients’ campaigns. 

      This is something we revisit regularly and provide refresher training on to ensure consistent and continuous agent expertise.  

      #3 Regular Reviews 

        Reviewing is an action that relates to all areas in Mango, from performance to systems to operations, by way of ensuring we are always taking a proactive approach to our service levels.  

        As such, we do the following on a day-to-day basis: 

        • Cross-departmental meetings to monitor performance, assess any trends and strategise for the day ahead 
        • Call listening and quality scoring to inform agent coaching sessions 
        • Test existing systems and investigate new technologies to help with call efficiency 

        With first contact resolution being a key SLA for our clients, we continuously look for ways to optimise our practices so we can both maintain our high standard and improve where we see the opportunity to. 

        #4 Final Check-Ins 

          With all the above best practices in place, the one most important final check is with the caller themselves.  

          As such, our agents are always encouraged to do one final check-in with a caller before they hang up the line. All it takes is asking: “Is there anything else I can help you with?” to make sure there’s no stone left unturned.  

          It’s a simple question – we know – but it determines whether the issue has been sufficiently addressed or if there are any outstanding questions on the caller’s side. Only after this is asked can the call be confirmed and logged as a first contact resolution. 

          For more top tips and industry advice, check out the rest of our blog page, or feel free to talk to Mango and we’ll get right back to you! 
